
November 2020

[wyde_heading title_tag="h1" style="2" title="A Time of Thanksgiving" heading_color="#000000" subheading="Your weekly snap-shot of easy learning-at-home activities, important state updates, and ways to stay connected." el_class="kycollabheading" subheading_color="#000000" animation="lightSpeedIn"] For Parents The Kinda Guide-A Moment for Gratitude For Educators Updates from the School Curriculum Assessment Accountability Council COVID Response Healthy at School Updates Parent Leadership Development (CIPL) School
[wyde_heading title_tag="h1" style="2" title="Just Released: Coping with Covid- KY Parent and Teacher Report, and more in this week’s edition" heading_color="#000000" subheading="Your weekly snap-shot of easy learning-at-home activities, important state updates, and ways to stay connected." el_class="kycollabheading" subheading_color="#047940" animation="lightSpeedIn"] For Parents Celebrating Native American Heritage Month For Educators Reaching and serving Kentucky’s homeless children and youth
[wyde_heading subheading_tag="h3" style="2" title="Study highlights the challenges of remote teaching and learning during pandemic" animation="slideInLeft"]Download the Report[wyde_heading subheading_tag="h3" style="2" subheading="Kentucky students, teachers and parents lead collaborative research effort" animation="slideInLeft"] LEXINGTON, KY (November 11, 2020) - The Prichard Committee for Academic Excellence today released the Coping with COVID-19 Teacher and Family Study. The study, conducted in August
[wyde_heading title_tag="h1" style="2" title="Digital Citizenship and more in this week’s edition" heading_color="#000000" subheading="Your weekly snap-shot of easy learning-at-home activities, important state updates, and ways to stay connected." el_class="kycollabheading" subheading_color="#000000" animation="lightSpeedIn"] For Parents Parent-Teacher Planning Tool For Educators Supporting Young Children’s Learning and Well-Being at Home COVID Response Digital Citizenship Resources for Family Engagement Parent Leadership
[wyde_heading subheading_tag="h3" style="2" title="Christian County residents become Prichard Committee members" animation="slideInLeft"] November 6, 2020 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE For More Information Contact: Jessica Fletcher, Senior Director, Communications & External Affairs (cell) 859-539-0511 Rev. Donavan Pinner and Daniel Kemp, both of Hopkinsville, have been selected to be members of the Prichard Committee for Academic Excellence. Pinner

As we work toward Kentucky’s Big Bold Future, the Prichard Committee is considering implications for key groups within our commonwealth. Today, it is time to focus specifically on Latino Kentucky. The future we seek will require Latino talents and contributions and building that future will require sustained attention to Latino concerns and Latino success.

Here’s a first image to show us three big things about los estudiantes latinos de Kentucky.

A medida que trabajamos hacia el Gran Futuro Audaz de Kentucky, el Comité Prichard está considerando las implicaciones para los grupos clave dentro de nuestra colectividad. Hoy, es el momento de centrarse específicamente en la comunidad latina de Kentucky. El futuro que buscamos requerirá de talentos y contribuciones latinas y construir ese futuro requerirá de una atención continua a las preocupaciones y al éxito de ellos.

A continuación se muestra la primera imagen con tres aspectos importantes de los estudiantes latinos de Kentucky.

Each academic year a select group of Kentucky’s public schools perform better than expected on measures of educational achievement. These measures include things like the percentage of elementary students who achieve proficiency or distinguished in reading, or the proportion of less-advantaged middle school students who show a similar level of competency on the math assessment. Understanding the reasons for better-than-expected performance is fundamentally important.