2025 Legislative Session

The Prichard Committee actively tracks and supports legislation that strengthens Kentucky's education and economic opportunity. Our focus is on policies that drive measurable progress in national rankings, as outlined in our Big Bold Future national rankings report, helping to build a brighter future for the Commonwealth.
HB 148
AN ACT relating to the Child Care Assistance Program.
Amend KRS 199.894 to define "Child Care and Development Fund" and "Child Care Assistance Program"; create a new section of KRS 199.892 to 199.896 to establish income eligibility requirements for the Child Care Assistance Program.
A. Tackett Laferty
HB 156
AN ACT relating to public school curriculum.
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 156 to require the Kentucky Department of Education to develop a guide for instructional materials collections adopted by the State Instructional Materials Commission that details the academic standards addressed by the materials, how the instructional materials are connected to specific learning targets aligned to the standards, sample questions, skills, and products students should be able to answer or demonstrate to meet the academic standards, and a curriculum guide for using the educational materials; amend KRS 156.395 to define "instructional material collection"; amend KRS 156.405 to reestablish the State Textbook Commission as the State Instructional Materials Commission and establish the scope of the commission's duties and membership; amend KRS 156.415 to reestablish fees for filing instructional materials collections for consideration and to conform; amend 156.433 to delete reference to the state textbook fund and to conform; amend KRS 156.474 to apply to all educational funds and to conform; amend KRS 156.407, 156.410, 156.420, 156.425, 156.435, 156.437, 156.438, 156.440, 156.445, 156.460, 156.465, 156.470, 156.474, and 156.476 to conform.
T. Truett
HB 168
AN ACT relating to teachers.
Amend KRS 158.060 to require teachers to be compensated for noninstructional planning time within their school day during which they are required to supervise or instruct students; amend KRS 164.787 to expand the program eligibility of the Work Ready Kentucky Scholarship Program to include a program that leads to a bachelor's degree in education in a critical shortage area.
T. Bojanowski
HB 169
AN ACT relating to school board elections.
Amend KRS 160.200 to require the offices of boards of education to have a partisan primary or partisan election; amend KRS 160.210 to require school board candidates to have emblems of political party affiliation presented on the ballot; amend various KRS sections to conform; and repeal KRS 160.250 and 160.260, relating to election of local board of education members.
T. Roberts
HB 190
AN ACT relating to advanced educational opportunities.
Amend KRS 158.6453 to define "advanced coursework"; require each local board of education develop an accelerated learning plan for students with identified strengths; direct local board of education to adopt policies for advanced coursework in designated subject areas; establish a reporting requirement for the Kentucky Department of Education related to the number of accelerated learning courses offered, the demographics of eligible students, the number of students placed in those courses, and the number of students not placed in those courses; amend KRS 160.348 to direct school-based decision making councils to adopt designated policies relating to advanced courses; provide that students who meet certain criteria shall be granted automatic enrollment in advanced coursework; provide that a student shall not be withdrawn or excluded from advanced coursework without written parental consent.
R. Duvall
HB 193
AN ACT relating to dual credit scholarships.
Amend KRS 164.786 to add eligibility for high school freshmen and sophomores, require an "approved dual credit course" to be in the statewide general education core; provide that scholarships shall be awarded in order of application date; revise scholarship to allow two career and technical dual credit courses in each academic year of high school and two general education dual credit courses in the 11th and 12th grades; amend KRS 164.787 to conform.
J. Payne
HB 197
AN ACT relating to higher education.
Amend KRS 164.020 to abolish the Council on Postsecondary Education and transfer authorities and duties to the Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority; amend KRS 164.746 to add three student members to the board of the Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority; amend various sections of KRS Chapters 164, 164A, 165, 165A, 168, 171, 183, 200, 210, 214, 309, 367, 11A, 12, 18A, 42, 56, 61, 63, 64, 138, 151B, 154, 156, 157,158, 160, and 161 to conform; repeal KRS 164.011, which created and established the Council on Postsecondary Education; dissolve the Council on Postsecondary Education and transfer personnel, records, files, equipment, and funds to the Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority; make technical corrections.
S. Doan
HB 205
AN ACT relating to teachers.
Amend KRS 161.030 to remove the authority of the Education Professional Standards Board to require successful completion of assessments prior to teacher certification; amend KRS 161.048 and 161.053 to conform.
B. Chester-Burton
HB 208
AN ACT relating to technology in public schools.
Amend KRS 158.165 to require local boards of education to adopt a policy to, at a minimum, prohibit student use of a personal telecommunications device during the school day with specific exceptions; amend KRS 156.675 to include social media in prohibited material to be made inaccessible through school technology and provide the scope of social media to be prohibited.
J. Bray
HB 221
AN ACT relating to licensed child-care centers.
Amend KRS 199.896 to establish square footage requirements for child-care centers.
DJ Johnson
HB 240
AN ACT relating to primary school.
Amend KRS 158.305 to require kindergarten students to be given a universal screener within the final 10 instructional days of the school year; require beginning with the 2025-2026 school year require that a student remain in kindergarten for an additional year if they did not make adequate progress in kindergarten; prohibit a school from requiring a student who turns seven by August 1 to remain in kindergarten; require the school to reevaluate the reading improvement plan of any student remaining in kindergarten; allow a student provided an additional year in kindergarten to advance through the primary program when it is determined to be in the student's best interest.
T. Truett
HB 249
AN ACT relating to KEES scholarships for students attending noncertified schools.
Amend KRS 164.7874, relating to KEES awards, to define terms; amend KRS 164.7879 to establish the use of a specified equivalent grade point average for eligible graduates of certain private, parochial, or church schools based on the Advanced Placement exam score, dual credit courses grade point average, or a combination of both; amend KRS 164.7881 and 164.7884 to conform.
S. Baker
HB 266
AN ACT relating to the Child Care Assistance Program.
Create a new section of Subchapter 12 of KRS Chapter 154 to define "in-demand industry sector" and "in-demand occupation"; require the Cabinet for Economic Development to create annual lists of in-demand industry sectors and in-demand occupations and transmit the lists to the Cabinet for Health and Family Services for use in determining eligibility criteria for the Child Care Assistance Program; amend KRS 199.894 to define "Child Care and Development Fund" and "Child Care Assistance Program"; make technical corrections; create a new section of KRS 199.892 to 199.896 to exempt applicants whose occupation or industry sector has been designated as in-demand from the income guidelines and copayment requirements for the Child Care Assistance Program.
A. Camuel
HB 300
AN ACT relating to preschool and kindergarten education.
Amend KRS 157.3175 to require school districts provide a full-day preschool education program for eligible three and four-year-olds; establish eligibility for the program; require that preschool for three year old children continue to be funded through a grant process and preschool programs for four-year-old children be funded under KRS 157.310 to 157.440; require preschool programs to operate on the school district calendar; require transportation be provided; amend KRS 158.031 to include preschool education programs for four-year-old children in the primary school program; amend KRS 157.320 to remove the definition of "kindergarten full-time equivalent pupil in average daily attendance"; amend KRS 157.360 to remove a reference to the kindergarten full-time equivalent; amend KRS 158.030 to include a preschool education program for four-year-old children in the definition of "common school"; remove language allowing kindergarten to operate for less than six hours on a school day; amend KRS 158.060 and 160.1596 to conform.
B. Chester-Burton
HB 460
AN ACT relating to preschool and kindergarten education.
Amend KRS 157.3175 to require school districts provide a full-day preschool education program for eligible three and four-year-olds; establish eligibility for the program; require that preschool for three year old children continue to be funded through a grant process and preschool programs for four-year-old children be funded under KRS 157.310 to 157.440; require preschool programs to operate on the school district calendar; require transportation be provided; amend KRS 158.031 to include preschool education programs for four-year-old children in the primary school program; amend KRS 157.320 to remove the definition of "kindergarten full-time equivalent pupil in average daily attendance"; amend KRS 157.360 to remove a reference to the kindergarten full-time equivalent; amend KRS 158.030 to include a preschool education program for four-year-old children in the definition of "common school"; remove language allowing kindergarten to operate for less than six hours on a school day; amend KRS 158.060 and 160.1596 to conform.
A. Donworth
HB 528
AN ACT relating to reading and language arts instruction.
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 158 to define terms; require the Kentucky Department of Education to establish an approved list of reading curriculum that does not use a three-cueing system; prohibit school districts from using any curriculum that employs a three-cueing system; prohibit the use of a three-cueing system in teacher professional development; require the Educational Professional Standards Board to promulgate administrative regulations establishing curriculum for each approved educator preparation program; amend KRS 164.306 to specify that educator preparation programs shall use evidence-based reading instruction and intervention programs and shall not provide instruction on a three-cueing system; amend KRS 161.028 to require the board to include in the standards set for teacher preparation programs that the programs shall use evidence-based reading instruction and intervention programs and shall not provide instruction on a three-cueing system.
J. Tipton
HB 530
AN ACT relating to full-day kindergarten.
Amend KRS 158.060 to remove language that allows for half-day kindergarten programs; amend KRS 157.320 and 157.360 to remove references to kindergarten full-time equivalent pupils in average daily attendance for program base funding purposes; amend KRS 158.030 to conform; EFFECTIVE July 1, 2026.
V. Grossl
HB 557
AN ACT relating to elementary literacy and making an appropriation therefor.
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 171 to establish the Kids Love to Read Program; specify the program is for children in kindergarten through grade five; require books to be sent to children's homes; require the Department for Libraries and Archives to promulgate administrative regulations necessary to administer the program; appropriate $500,000 in fiscal year 2025-2026 to support the program; APPROPRIATION.
J. Watkins
HB 568
AN ACT relating to postsecondary education students.
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 164 to define terms, require postsecondary education institutions to designate at least one employee in an appropriate department to serve as a liaison between the institution and a homeless student or student in care who is enrolled at the institution; detail responsibilities of the liaison, the Council on Postsecondary Education, and the institution; require an institution to create a position to carry out the responsibilities of a liaison if the number of students experiencing homelessness or students in care exceeds two percent of the student body.
J. Watkins
HB 590
AN ACT relating to an apprenticeship tax credit.
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 141 to establish an income tax credit for employers that maintain an aprenticeship program and hire apprentices; amend KRS 141.0205 to order the credit; amend KRS 131.190 to allow the Department of Revenue to report on the credit.
N. Kulkarni
SB 107
AN ACT amending the 2024-2026 State/Executive Branch biennial budget and declaring an emergency.
Amend 2024 Ky. Acts ch. 175 to remove the immunity provision for postsecondary institutions from the State/Executive Branch biennial budget.
L. Tichenor
SB 165
AN ACT relating to education and declaring an emergency.
Create new sections of KRS Chapter 158 to define terms; prohibit a school district, public school, or cooperative board from providing differential treatment or benefits on the basis of an individual's religion, race, sex, color, or national origin; prohibit the Kentucky Department of Education, a school district, a public school, or a cooperative board from expending any resources on diversity, equity, and inclusion; prohibit the department, a school district, a public school, or a cooperative board from soliciting statements on an applicant's experience with or views on religion, race, sex, color, or national origin, from providing differential treatment or benefits to an individual based on the individual's participation in diversity, equity, and inclusion training, and from disseminating or profiting from any research, work product, or material that promotes or justifies discriminatory concepts of diversity, equity, and inclusion; establish exclusions; authorize the Attorney General to bring an action for a writ of mandamus to compel the department, a school district, a public school or a cooperative board to comply; create a cause of action to permit a qualified individual to file a civil action against a the department, a school district, a cooperative board, or a public school for injunctive relief arising from a violation of this Act; permit recovery of monetary damages for a willful and intentional violation; waive sovereign, governmental, and qualified immunity; prohibit retaliation; require each public school district and cooperative board to provide the State Treasurer the name, job title, duty station, and compensation information of each employee of the school district or cooperative board each month for publication; amend KRS 161.030 to require certain certification applicants to complete an approved professional development program on Kentucky education law; amend KRS 158.4416 and 158.4414 to conform; require school districts and cooperative boards to follow designated procedures when implementing this Act including termination or transfer of certain employees; require the Kentucky Department of Education to eliminate the Division of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging and follow designated procedures when implementing this Act including termination or transfer of certain employees; EFFECTIVE, in part, February 1, 2026; EMERGENCY.
L. Tichenor
SB 3
AN ACT relating to school guardians.
Amend KRS 158.4431 to include honorably retired elected or appointed peace officers in the definition of "guardian"; require the Center for School Safety to act as the facilitator with school districts attempting to employ a guardian; require a guardian to be a temporary safety option for schools; replace the requirement for passing the patrol rifle course with passing a de-escalation course; amend KRS 158.442 to conform.
M. Wise
SB 5
AN ACT relating to public schools.
Amend KRS 160.346 to include identification as a state intervention school when a school enters comprehensive support and improvement status and does not make annual improvement for two years or does not exit the status after three years; create a new section of KRS Chapter 160 to define "state intervention school"; require the identification of state intervention schools with the 2027-2028 school year; establish the procedures for identification; require the commissioner of education to take management of the state intervention school and develop an intervention plan to the Kentucky Board of Education for approval; establish the authorities of the commissioner of education over the state intervention school; establish the criteria for a school to exit status as an state intervention school; create a new section of KRS Chapter 156 to establish a procedure for a local board of education to submit a waiver request to the Kentucky Board of Education to waive a statute or administrative regulation; set the terms and limitations of a waivers; authorize the identification of schools of innovation and establish parameters for the status; establish procedures for the renewal of approved waivers; provide the conditions and procedure for rescinding waivers by the state board; authorize the promulgation of administrative regulations to adopt necessary forms and procedures to process waiver requests; amend various sections to conform; repeal KRS 156.108 and 160.107; provide that the Act may be cited as the School Improvement and Innovation Act.
S. West
HB 103
AN ACT relating to professions and occupations.
Amend KRS 335B.010 to define terms related to licensing and public employment qualifications; amend KRS 335B.020 to narrow the class of offenses to which the chapter applies, prohibit disqualifying individuals from pursing a professional license solely due to a finding that the applicant lacks good character, add consideration of the age of the person at the time the crime was committed, the evidence relevant to the circumstances of the crime, and evidence of rehabilitation in making licensure decisions..
N. Kulkarni
HB 119
AN ACT relating to historical instruction.
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 158 to require African history instruction in certain middle and high school world history and civilization courses; require Native American history instruction in certain middle and high school United States history courses; require the Kentucky Board of Education to promulgate administrative regulations establishing academic standards for the required historical instructions; require superintendents to adopt curricula for required instruction; require the Department of Education to collaborate with the Kentucky Center for African-American Heritage and the Kentucky Native American Heritage Commission to develop recommended curricula and instruction guidelines for the required historical instruction, elective high school course offerings in African history and Native American history, and relevant professional development materials.
G. Brown Jr.
HB 132
AN ACT relating to home and hospital instruction.
Amend KRS 158.033 to allow a student admitted to an inpatient facility to receive home and hospital services effective on the day of admittance.
N. Wilson
HB 150
AN ACT relating to the establishment of a grant database.
Create new section of KRS Chapter 14 to define terms; require the Secretary of State to create a grant database that will be a central repository for information on all available state or local government grants; require state and local agencies to report grant opportunities to the Finance and Administration Cabinet for inclusion in the grant database.
A. Tackett Laferty
HB 162
AN ACT relating to independent school districts.
Create new sections of KRS Chapter 160 to establish a process for the creation of new independent school districts; define terms; establish a petition process for voters of a qualifying city to place the question of creating a new independent district and local board of education on the ballot; specify the requirements for the question and the board of education provisional election; establish the initial terms of office for the interim board of education; establish the transition of authorities from the originating district board of education to the boards of both the altered originating district and the new independent district; require the Kentucky Department of Education to calculate assets and liabilities of the originating district for division to the altered originating district and the new independent district; authorize the altered originating district to maintain control and use of assets until the scheduled transfer to the new independent district and authorize the continued payments of debts; establish a negotiation process between the altered originating district and the new independent district to resolve the division of the originating district's assets and liabilities; establish a deadline for the negotiation to conclude; provide a process for resolution of disagreements; establish a deadline for the transfer of all assets and debts; authorize the altered originating district to continue to assess and collect taxes for both districts until the close of the tax year in which the new independent district is fully operational; provide for the distribution of collected taxes during the transition period; require the mayor of the city to call the newly elected interim board of new independent district to meet; allow the interim board to request assistance from the Kentucky Department of Education; establish the transition process for the new independent district to become fully functional; allow the interim board to submit a waiver request for a statute or administrative regulation to the Kentucky Board of Education; authorize the interim board to enter into service contracts with another school district during the transition; establish a process for the interim board to vote to terminate the establishment of the new independent district due to financial nonviability during the transition; establish the transition from an interim board to a fully functional board of the new independent district; require the continued collection of taxes restricted to the payment of debt or interest; waive the requirement for school-based decision making for the first year of operations of the new independent district; require the interim board of the new independent district to develop a transition plan and establish the requirements of the plan; create a new section of KRS Chapter 157, relating to state formula funding calculations, to establish a projection model for the first year of full operations of the new independent district and the altered originating district.
J. Tipton
HB 170
AN ACT relating to Option 9 alternative teacher certification programs.
Amend KRS 161.048 to allow employment in substitute teaching to qualify as part of the required residency or paraprofessional component of an Option 9 alternative teacher certification program.
W. Thomas
HB 230
AN ACT relating to teacher professional development.
Amend KRS 156.095 to require the Kentucky Department of Education to create a professional development training schedule for certified personnel; require each local district to implement the schedule; require an additional day to be added to the school calendar if required training cannot be completed in a single calendar day; require school districts to submit a report to the department on the status of professional development training.
L. Willner
HB 241
AN ACT relating to school district calendars and declaring an emergency.
Allow local school districts to make up days missed by adding instructional time to student attendance days; notwithstand the requirement for the student instructional year to have 170 student attendance days; allow waiver of up to five student attendance days if a school district is unable to provide the required 1,062 hours of instruction by June 4, 2025; require local boards of education seeking to revise its calendar to submit a plan for approval to the Department of Education; allow instructional time made up and days waived to count as employee contracted days; EMERGENCY.
T. Truett
HB 248
AN ACT relating to family impact statements.
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 6 to require the Legislative Research Commission to prepare a family impact statement for every bill, concurrent resolution, joint resolution, amendment, or committee substitute introduced during a regular or extraordinary session of the Kentucky General Assembly; define terms; establish procedures.
S. Baker
HB 251
AN ACT relating to the evaluation of educator preparation programs.
Amend KRS 158.840 to require the Education Professional Standards Board, rather than the Council on Postsecondary Education, to ensure teacher education programs provide highly skilled teachers; require the board to report to the Legislative Research Commission every three years and regularly report program data to an external evaluator.
E. Callaway
HB 259
AN ACT providing maternity leave for public school employees.
Amend KRS 161.155 to provide 20 maternity days to district employees who give birth; establish the terms and conditions for use of maternity days.
D. Grossberg
HB 263
AN ACT relating to the student teacher stipend program.
Amend KRS 164.773, relating to the Student Teacher Stipend Program, to specify that an eligible student is a Kentucky resident as determined by the Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority (authority) and is student teaching at a Kentucky public school or certified nonpublic school; specify that the authority shall disburse stipend funds to eligible students directly or through the participating institution; allow the authority to establish criteria for an eligible student who is student teaching outside of Kentucky but is otherwise eligible.
K. Banta
HB 271
AN ACT relating to school district employees and making an appropriation therefor.
Appropriate necessary funds for local school districts to provide a five percent salary increase to eligible employees in fiscal year 2025-2026; APPROPRIATION.
A. Camuel
HB 272
AN ACT relating to reading and writing in schools.
Amend KRS 158.307 to define "dysgraphia"; require the Department of Education to annually review and update the dyslexia toolkit; expand dyslexia toolkit required guidance and include dysgraphia and other reading and writing difficulties; require rather than allow local boards of education to develop a policy on dyslexia; require rather than allow the policy to include certain items; require the department to compile and maintain data on dyslexia reported by local school districts; require the department to report dyslexia data to the appropriate Interim Joint Committee on Education; amend KRS 164.304 to require postsecondary institutions offering teacher preparation programs to include instruction on dyslexia by the 2026-2027 school year, rather than the instruction being contingent on availability of funding.
S. Heavrin
HB 294
AN ACT relating to school curriculum.
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 158 to define "Success Sequence"; require all students to receive instruction on the Success Sequence during grades 7 and 10 beginning with the 2026-2027 school year; require the Kentucky Board of Education to promulgate administrative regulations to establish academic standards for instruction on the Success Sequence; require the Department of Education to develop guidelines for implementing Success Sequence instruction; permit superintendents to partner with Kentucky-based nonprofits to develop required curriculum.
S. Baker
HB 297
AN ACT relating to school districts.
Amend KRS 160.041 to provide a merger process for any contiguous school districts; require the Kentucky Board of Education to determine the terms of merger for an insolvent district if no agreement between the school districts can be reached, and to promulgate administrative regulations regarding mergers due to insolvency.
J. Tipton
HB 298
AN ACT relating to schools identified for comprehensive support and improvement in schools.
Amend KRS 160.346 to require the Kentucky Department of Education to annually identify schools for comprehensive support and improvement (CSI); require the audit of a CSI school to include an assessment and recommendation regarding the principal's capacity to lead the turnaround effort; remove the required use of a turnaround vendor by a CSI school; require the department to establish professional learning for teachers in a CSI school; require the superintendent of the district in which the CSI school is located to adopt evidence-based curriculum and select high-quality instructional materials for the school.
J. Tipton
HB 302
AN ACT establishing the Adult Workforce Diploma Pilot Program.
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 156 to establish the Adult Workforce Diploma Pilot Program; define terms; establish eligibility criteria for the program; direct the Education and Labor Cabinet to administer the program; provide payments to program providers for students who complete specified milestones; require program result reporting to the Kentucky Board of Education, the Secretary of State, and the Legislative Research Commission; specify a program end date of July 1, 2028.
S. Bratcher
HB 303
AN ACT relating to military healthcare personnel.
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 164 to direct the Kentucky Community and Technical College System to develop academic career pathways and integrated academic bridge programs to prepare military healthcare personnel for licensure in various healthcare-related fields.
S. Bratcher
HB 324
AN ACT relating to educators.
Amend KRS 160.160 to authorize a local board of education to establish minimum score requirements for certified positions within the district on specific assessments related to content knowledge, competency in educational practices, or both; require the district include minimum score information in any posts or notices for a related certified vacancy; amend KRS 161.030 to remove successful completion of assessments prior to receiving a teacher certification; amend KRS 161.048, 161.010, and 161.053 to conform.
K. Banta
HB 342
AN ACT relating to financial literacy.
Amend KRS 158.1411 to require one credit in financial literacy during the eleventh or twelfth grade for students entering grade nine during or after the 2026-2027 school year; direct minimum topics to be covered in the course; direct that the financial literacy course be accepted as a math, social studies, or elective course graduation requirement; require the Department of Education, in collaboration with the Kentucky Financial Empowerment Commission, to determine which courses meet the financial literacy course requirement.
M. Meredith
HB 417
AN ACT relating to the Health Access Nurturing Development Services Program.
Amend KRS 211.690 to require the Health Access Nurturing Development Services (HANDS) Program to provide educational information about maternal and postpartum depression; make technical corrections.
L. Burke
HB 427
AN ACT relating to postsecondary education.
Amend KRS 164.2951 to require the Council on Postsecondary Education to create statewide transfer pathways between the public postsecondary institutions in the high-demand baccalaureate programs; require the council to define, identify, and publish on its website a list of the high-demand baccalaureate programs and the available transfer pathways; require the council to maintain transfer pathways once created; require postsecondary institutions to accept transfer credit, earned or accepted at the prior institution within pathways as general education or program general education credit before applying credit as elective.
V. Grossl
HB 435
AN ACT relating to teachers.
Amend KRS 158.060 to require teachers to be compensated for noninstructional planning time within their school day during which they are required to supervise or instruct students.
T. Bojanowski
HB 448
AN ACT relating to teacher professional development.
Amend KRS 158.070 to provide that certified school personnel shall be compensated for professional development activities required outside of the days scheduled in the school calendar or regularly scheduled hours in the school work day.
C. Aull
HB 451
AN ACT relating to teachers.
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 164 to define terms; establish the prospective educator scholarship; define eligibility for the program; direct the Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority to administer the program; provide monetary awards for student loan repayment for eligible students who complete qualified teaching service; establish the prospective educator scholarship fund.
D. Grossberg
HB 494
AN ACT relating to support systems for English language learners in common schools.
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 158 to define terms; establish the English learner enhanced support program under the Department of Education to help bring English learners with little or no formal education to grade-level proficiency within three years; require the department to set standards for program, contract with a provider meeting certain standards and with record of success with qualified English learners, identify eligible districts or schools, offer the program to as many students as funds permit, and report to the Legislative Research Commission regarding progress of program; permit KDE to promulgate administrative regulations to administer the program.
S. Riley
HB 508
AN ACT relating to the Employee Child Care Assistance Partnership Program.
Amend KRS 199.884 to require the Cabinet for Health and Family Services to establish new procedures related to the Employee Child Care Assistance Partnership Program.
J. Decker
HB 529
AN ACT relating to the Work Ready Kentucky Scholarship Program.
Amend KRS 164.787 to define "adjusted gross income" and limit eligibility for the Work Ready Kentucky Scholarship Program to a workforce student with an adjusted gross income of less than 250% of the median household income in Kentucky.
V. Grossl
HB 600
AN ACT relating to the Support Education Excellence in Kentucky Program, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency.
Appropriate $26,000,000 in General Fund in fiscal year 2024-2025 to the Support Education Excellence in Kentucky (SEEK) budget unit from the Budget Reserve Trust Fund Account; APPROPRIATION; EMERGENCY.
A. Camuel
HB 651
AN ACT relating to the Child Care Assistance Program.
Amend KRS 199.894 to define "Child Care and Development Fund" and "Child Care Assistance Program"; create a new section of KRS 199.892 to 199.896 to establish income eligibility requirements for the Child Care Assistance Program.
A. Tackett Laferty
HB 655
AN ACT relating to teachers.
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 164 to define terms; establish the future Kentucky teacher scholarship; define eligibility for the program; direct the Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority to administer the program; provide monetary awards for student loan repayment for eligible students who complete qualified teaching service; establish the future Kentucky teacher scholarship fund.
B. Chester-Burton
HB 679
AN ACT relating to instructional programs for school-age children.
Amends KRS 199.896 to change the requirements for when instructional programs for school-age children are exempt from all child-care licensure administrative regulations.
W. Williams
SB 131
AN ACT relating to school governance.
Amend KRS 160.350 to require a majority vote instead of a four-fifths vote of board members to remove the superintendent; delete requirements for approval from the commissioner of education to remove a superintendent; amend KRS 160.180 to remove the relative employee eligibility requirement for candidates for the local board of education; require a local board member obtain at least one hour of open records and open meetings training per term; amend KRS 160.160 to establish a one-year term for chair and vice chair of the local board of education; require superintendents to submit reports on closed personnel investigations to the local board of education for the purposes of policy oversight and evaluation of the superintendent's performance; amend KRS 160.210 to establish new numbers for membership of a local board of education based on district enrollment; require the Kentucky Board of Education to determine the required number of members every 10 years; provide for the election of additional members and for the reduction of membership; require local boards of education to report new electoral divisions to the Kentucky Board of Education and the Legislative Research Commission; amend KRS 160.200 and 116.200 to conform; require the Kentucky Board to make initial determinations of board size by December 31, 2025 and local boards to conduct required division changes; require superintendents to submit reports on previous investigations closed during the superintendent's contract to the local board of education within 30 days of the effective date of this Act.
L. Tichenor
SB 142
AN ACT relating to English language learners.
Amend KRS 157.360 to require that English language learners receive an additional factor of 0.24 in a school districts average daily attendance for the program to support education excellence in Kentucky, beginning with the 2026-2027 school year; amend KRS 160.1596 to conform.
M. Wilson
SB 207
AN ACT relating to public school innovation.
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 156 to establish a procedure for a local board of education to submit a waiver request to the Kentucky Board of Education to waive a statute or administrative regulation; set the terms and limitations of a waivers; authorize the identification of schools of innovation and establish parameters for the status; establish procedures for the renewal of approved waivers; provide the conditions and procedure for rescinding waivers by the state board; authorize the promulgation of administrative regulations to adopt necessary forms and procedures to process waiver requests; amend various sections to conform; repeal KRS 156.108 and 160.107; provide that the Act may be cited as the School Innovation Act.
S. West
SB 213
AN ACT relating to compulsory attendance.
Amend KRS 159.030 to create an exemption for compulsory attendance in school for a child who is at least 16 years old and has obtained a High School Equivalency Diploma.
G. Williams
SB 253
AN ACT relating to scholarships.
Amend KRS 164.769 to remove repayment obligations from the teacher scholarship program; amend scholorship terms; provide that the scholarship amount shall not exceed the highest in-state tuition rate for a teacher preparation program at a Kentucky public university; amend KRS 164.786 to add eligibility for high school freshmen and sophomores to the dual credit scholarship program; require an approved dual credit course to be in the statewide general education core; permit up to 20 dual credit courses in a teacher and learning career pathway; provide that scholarships shall be awarded in order of application date; revise scholarship to allow two career and technical dual credit courses in each academic year of high school and two general education dual credit courses in the grades 11 and 12; amend KRS 164.787 to conform; repeal KRS 164.771, relating to the Teacher Recruitment Student Loan Forgiveness Pilot Program, effective June 30, 2026; provide that funds appropriated to the Teacher Recruitment Student Loan Forgiveness Pilot Program shall be disbursed through the teacher scholarship program on and after June 30, 2026; EFFECTIVE, in part, June 30, 2026.
J. Higdon
SB 258
AN ACT relating to Kentucky residency in the postsecondary educational system.
Amend KRS 164.020 to define Kentucky residency in the postsecondary education system to require a student to be a citizen, national resident, or permanent resident.
L. Tichenor
SB 268
AN ACT relating to virtual education.
Prohibit the commissioner of the Kentucky Department of Education, the Kentucky Board of Education, and the Kentucky Department of Education from establishing or implementing, or requiring a school district to implement, any cap, limitation, or restriction on enrollment for a virtual program; prohibit the Kentucky Department of Education and the Kentucky Board of Education from reducing or withholding any funds due to a school district from the fund to Support Education Excellence in Kentucky based on the district's operation of a virtual program; sunset prohibitions on June 30, 2026.
A. Reed
SB 45
AN ACT relating to Kentucky educational excellence scholarships.
Amend KRS 164.7879 to increase the Kentucky educational excellence scholarship base amount for each eligible grade point average; increase the supplemental award amounts; require a supplemental award for eligible Cambridge Advanced International scores; amend KRS 164.7882 to increase the award amount for an eligible student enrolled in a comprehensive transition and postsecondary program; amend KRS 164.7874, 164.7881, 164.7884, and 164.7885 to conform; EFFECTIVE July 1, 2025.
C. Armstrong
SB 6
AN ACT relating to the Support Education Excellence in Kentucky Program.
Amend KRS 157.320 to include costs paid on behalf of districts in the definition of "Support Education Excellence in Kentucky"; define "distributable cost" and "on-behalf cost"; amend KRS 157.330 to include appropriations of on-behalf costs in the fund to support education excellence in Kentucky; amend KRS 157.360 to provide for the calculation of total cost of the program to support education excellence in Kentucky to include on-behalf costs and distributable costs; provide for the calcuation; provide for the determination of on-behalf costs; EFFECTIVE July 1, 2026.
D. Givens
SB 66
AN ACT relating to local school boards.
Amend KRS 160.180 to remove the definition of "relative"; remove prohibition for local school board eligibility for individuals directly or indirectly interested in sales for which school funds are expended; prohibit employees of the board from being eligible for local school board membership; remove prohibition that a local school board candidate have no relative employed by the district; provide that board members may be removed from office after election for becoming an employee of the board, failure to abstain from board votes in which they have an interest, or for violation of the board's code of ethics; amend KRS 160.290 to require each local school board to create a board code of ethics; provide that a code of ethics cannot prohibit relatives of board members from being employed by the school district.
G. Elkins
SB 68
AN ACT relating to education.
Amend KRS 158.645 to change the required learning capacities of Kentucky public school students; amend KRS 158.6451 to provide that schools shall expect a high level of academic achievement and shall develop students' ability to think critically and independently; amend KRS 156.010 to include career and technical education; amend KRS 160.345 to remove the reporting requirement relating to physical activity of students; amend KRS 157.065 to remove the reporting requirement relating to participation in breakfast programs; amend KRS 424.250 to reflect that school boards are tax levying authorities and do not file budgets with the county clerk; require district budgets to be published in the same manner as school financial reports; repeal KRS 157.061 and 158.856.
S. Rawlings