2025 Legislative Session

We oppose HB 4 because it bars targeted supports and restricts how campuses address equity gaps, undermining inclusive environments that help all learners succeed.
Making local school board elections partisanundercuts the inclusive leadership essential for stronger student success; weoppose HB 169 to keep governance focused on shared problem‐solving.
Limiting personal device use can reduce distractions, but we’re monitoring to see if HB 208 strikes the right balance between maintaining focus and allowing for constructive technology use.
Early screening and prompt interventions cantransform a child’s educational trajectory. We support universal screeningprovided professional judgment is used to determine appropriate interventions.
Struggling schools must improve and need robustresources to do so, so we’re monitoring SB 5 to ensure accountability measurescome with enough support for meaningful change.
We understand the need to show the full taxpayerinvestment in our schools and want to keep each SEEK component transparent, socommunities can see per‐pupil funding details and pursue better outcomes.
We support HB 8’s effort to streamline access to quality instructional materials, provided districts making progress remain free to select what works best for their students without having to seek a waiver.
Automatically enrolling qualified students inadvanced coursework raises expectations and closes gaps, echoing our commitmentto expand rigorous opportunities for all learners.
- The Case for a Meaningful High School Diploma
- Meaningful Diploma Leading Indicators
- Meaningful Diploma Kentucky Employer & Industry Survey (December 2024)
- Access to Advanced Coursework: Expanding Opportunities for Kentucky Students
- Meaningful Advising
- Making Kentucky High School Diplomas Matter: What the Business Community is Telling Us
- Integration of Durable Skills and Core Academics
- Partnerships for Pathways
- Work-Based Learning: Internships, Cooperative Education and Apprenticeships
- Aligned and Coherent Pathways
- Effective Implementation of Individual Learning Plans