Where does Kentucky stand nationally?

The below statistics are taken from the “Big Bold Future” report. 
View this report in detail.

Babies with a Healthy Birth Rate

Children Above Poverty

Preschool Participation (Ages 3-4)

Babies with a healthy birth weight: 31
Children above 200% of poverty: 43
Preschool participation (ages 3-4): 38

Read the Big Bold 
Future Report

The above statistics are taken from the “Big Bold Future” report. To view this report in detail, click below.

Why is this important?

Over the past few decades, a growing body of research suggests that participating in high-quality early childhood education programs can enhance children’s development, reduce achievement gaps at kindergarten entry, and even have long-term benefits in school and beyond. However, early learning can only provide these benefits if a child’s classroom experience is high-quality.

Elements defining high quality associated with child outcomes include teacher credentials, training, and support; class size and student-to-teacher ratio; use and support of early learning and development standards; and a system of continuous quality improvement.

  • Better education, training, and on-going support for teachers can improve their interactions with children, which can enhance children’s learning.
  • With smaller classes and fewer children per teacher, children have greater opportunities for interaction with adults and can receive more individualized attention, resulting in a higher quality learning experience.
  • Early learning and development standards offer programs guidance and establish the expectation that programs cover the full range of areas essential to children’s learning and development.

Because rich early childhood experiences lay foundations for all later learning, we call on Kentucky to make those foundations much stronger, in light of these key points:

Policy & Investment Priorities

  • Promoting partnerships between public preschool and private childcare to expand early learning
  • Raising CCAP and public preschool eligibility to at least 200% of the federal poverty level, while increasing per child funding/reimbursement (Big Bold Ask)
  • Expanding HANDS, Kentucky’s evidence-based home visiting program to support families with children under age 3

Big Bold Ask

By FY 2026 increase annual general fund investment by $350 million

Local Practice Priorities

  • Mobilize community strengths to build up local learning and quality of life
  • Use what you know about your distinctive place to find ways to support your unique learners

Groundswell Action Spotlight

Local leaders in the Owensboro/Daviess County community in Kentucky, led by the Public Life Foundation of Owensboro and Prichard Committee Chair Clay Ford, have taken the first steps to ensure a big, bold future for local children through the development of an early childhood ecosystem.

Community members there are building a template for early childhood success in Daviess County that will be a shining example of what local communities across Kentucky and the nation can achieve when local innovation and civic pride unites in the best interest of children. The group is working to ensure that all children receive access to high quality, voluntary early childhood education. By convening local leaders, parents, educators, and advocates, we can ensure that all parents in Daviess County and beyond have such an option for their young children. Together we can ensure that all children receive the strong start that they deserve, and that parents in the local workforce have access to safe, affordable care for their children throughout the workday.

The above story is taken from our “Groundswell Action” stories.  Groundswell Actions come from communities around Kentucky working to making a difference at the local level.  Read more of them here.

Kentucky Early Childhood Indicators

Below are Kentucky statistics. To see your individual Groundswell Community Profile, click here.

Preschool enrollment: 36.9%
Kindergarten readiness: 46.2%