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Superintendent as CEO

Superintendent as CEO
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Published on
August 6, 2019

Would you drive a car whose technology hasn’t changed in 30 years? Would you trust a surgeon who uses the same techniques used 30 years ago? As a consumer, would you expect continued innovation, research, development, and respectful progress in the profession? Would you support and invest in the organizations responsible for creating and producing these products and services in hopes of receiving the best and most innovative outcomes?Organizations must change to adapt to external pressures and demands to bring value to its customers. Boards of directors expect, encourage, and support research and development practices to remain competitive within each respective industry. To meet these demands, Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) of corporations instill a culture of continued change in order to survive. Most CEOs are hired to create and manage change, as status quo and lack of innovation render organizations irrelevant, outdated, and replaceable. As head over multiple divisions and possible product lines, the CEO works with its cabinet leaders and middle-level leaders to lead and manage continued growth through the development of an organizational mission and vision, through investment in its people, and through continued monitoring of outcomes. Leaders of innovative organizations create cultures of learning which encourage members to take risks. Members properly document, learn from, and share information to all organizational members through careful and meaningfully constructed information systems. Information garnered from both mistakes and correct results is considered valuable in an effort to assist in future research and development (R&D) and innovation efforts (Qinxuan, Wang & Wang, 2013). Further, innovative organizations encourage the discarding or “unlearning” of dated practices which may hinder the adoption or “learning” of new and improved practices (Tsang & Zahra, 2008). A CEO’s role may differ from organization to organization – manager, politician, communicator, although the same adage holds true: the relationship that the CEO has with the board of directors has a profound effect on the overall performance of the organization (Conforth & Macmillan, 2016).CEOs and boards of directors exist in our communities and effect our children everyday: school district superintendents and boards of education. The leaders of these multi-million-dollar enterprises make direct decisions for organizations that produce our citizenry, our future employees, and our future community members. Superintendents and boards of education recognize the need to provide their students with the necessary tools to meet the 21st century world. Through the distribution of resources – time, money, and personnel (Crawford, 2008), superintendents and their boards of education can directly impact the learning outcomes of our students. Superintendents work with their cabinet members and building-level leaders to ensure that the needs of students and their learning goals are being met.Education faces different external pressures than those faced by business. As varying reform acts have ensued across the United States, education continues to be over-regulated and under-funded (Björk, Kowalski, & Young, 2005). New education reform mandates overlap outdated mandates, some communities expect 19th and 20th century models of teaching and learning because it’s “the way we’ve always done it”, and state funding for education continues to decline (Spalding, 2019). Nevertheless, our superintendents go beyond the rules and regulations of our current system to create meaningful, innovative learning environments for their students. Leaders are leading with moral imperative and piecing together budgets with unsustainable grant dollars, doing more with less in order to meet the needs of our kids (District Management Council, 2014, p. 128).In business, innovation and progress is expected and supported in various ways. CEOs create a vision for what their organization should supply based on external needs and internal capacities. They work with their board of directors, c-level executives, and mid-level managers to ensure optimal functionality. All the while, innovative CEOs think to the future and work to make all aspects of the business better, ridding their organization of policies, procedures, and requirements that are no longer suitable, and most likely building budgets based on increased funding projections, not decreased. In education, innovation isn’t necessarily expected but good leaders find ways to make meaningful, positive changes happen. Superintendents constantly prepare for the future, and work with their board of education, cabinet, and building level leaders. Additionally, these leaders work with their communities, area businesses, state and federal level leaders, local colleges and trade schools, and network with schools and organizations from across the country gathering ideas and garnering support. They strive to meet the expectations of state and federal mandates, while hoping to meet the needs of a new generation of kids with unprecedented challenges.Can we expect the same level of innovation and leadership from our education leaders as we do from our business leaders, yet not provide them the same level of support? As community members and educational influencers in this state, shouldn’t we provide the resources for superintendents in their plight for better educational opportunities for our students? These leaders deserve recognition of their credentials and expertise, and deserve to have us listen, understand and appreciate the challenges they face. We should address the unrealistic expectations and pressures that years of education reform has put their system of educators and allow them the time to un-learn old ways of educating and the freedom to then create a more beneficial system for our students. Further, I would encourage us to voice our concerns in a thoughtful manner instead of remaining silent. Ultimately, I believe that we all believe our students deserve an instructional experience that is supportive, innovative, engaging and rewarding for both student and teacher - a system that also creates hope and opportunity for every child.

Björk, L. G., Kowalski, T. T., & Young, M. D. (2005). National education reform reports. In L. G. Björk & T. J. Kowalski (Eds.), The contemporary superintendency: Preparation, practice, and development (pp. 45–69). Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.

Cornforth, C., & Macmillan, R. (2016). Evolution in Board Chair–CEO Relationships: A Negotiated Order Perspective. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 45(5), 949–970. https://doi.org/10.1177/0899764015622705

District Management Council. (2014). Spending money wisely: Getting the most from school budgets. Retrieved from https://smarterschoolspending.org/sites/default/files/resource/file/Research_Spending%20Money%20Wisely.pdf

Qinxuan, G., Wang, G., & Wing, L. (2013). Social capital and innovation in R&D teams: The mediating roles of psychological safety and learning from mistakes. Retrieved from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/radm.12002

Spalding, A. (2019). Cuts to k12 funding in Kentucky among worst in the nation. Retrieved from https://kypolicy.org/cuts-to-k-12-funding-in-kentucky-among-worst-in-the-nation/

Tsang, E. W., & Zahra, S. A. (2008). Organizational unlearning. Human Relations, 61(10), 1435–1462.

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Discover the Impact: Prichard Committee's 'Education Is' Video Series Spotlights the Power of Learning in Kentucky
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Discover the Impact: Prichard Committee's 'Education Is' Video Series Spotlights the Power of Learning in Kentucky

Prichard Committee has released a series of videos titled "Education Is."

As part of its commitment to showcasing the transformative power of education, the Prichard Committee has released a series of videos titled "Education Is." This series highlights the importance of the work being done around education in the state and the impact that education has on lives across Kentucky. These videos demonstrate how education has enhanced the lives of Kentuckians. Watch them here.

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The Prichard Committee's 2024 Groundswell Summit Ignites Local Education Action
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The Prichard Committee's 2024 Groundswell Summit Ignites Local Education Action

More than 350 education stakeholders from across Kentucky gathered in Owensboro June 10-12

More than 350 education and community stakeholders in attendance

LEXINGTON, Ky. — More than 350 education stakeholders from across Kentucky gathered in Owensboro June 10-12 for The Prichard Committee for Academic Excellence’s Groundswell Summit and Annual Meeting.  

“The Groundswell Summit is an opportunity for education champions from all corners of Kentucky to come together to share what they are doing in their own communities to enhance education outcomes and school experiences for students,” said Prichard Committee President/CEO Brigitte Blom. “We know that some of the most effective work happens at the hyperlocal level, and we can all take ideas from each other and adjust them to meet our own community’s needs.”

The three-day summit, held at the Owensboro Convention Center, featured tours of innovative local schools and programs; the Great Schools Showcase; and sessions on addressing chronic absenteeism, creating welcoming schools, designing high-quality early childhood ecosystems and more.

National keynote speakers Dan Wuori and Seth Kaplan were in attendance to share their insights on early childhood education and hyperlocal community engagement. Additionally, the Summit featured a legislative panel with Rep. Scott Lewis, Sen. Cassie Chambers Armstrong and Rep. DJ Johnson, highlighting bipartisan support for improving education outcomes in Kentucky. Owensboro Mayor Tom Watson and President and CEO of the Greater Owensboro Chamber of Commerce Candance Castlen Brake welcomed conference attendees.

The Summit also included an award ceremony recognizing outstanding schools and educators across the commonwealth. The committee honored Ruth Lynch with the Beverly Nickell Raimondo Leadership Award, which recognizes individuals who have demonstrated exceptional leadership toward improving student achievement among Kentucky students. Lynch has championed student achievement by diligently trying to recruit more teachers of color to return and work within her local public school system in Christian County.  

Additionally, the Prichard Committee recognized:

  • Greater Owensboro was honored as the inaugural Groundswell Community for their efforts supporting a deeply engaged community that works together on solutions to improve outcomes

The 2024 Groundswell Summit and Annual Meeting was sponsored by Owensboro Health. The next Groundswell Summit will take place in June 2025.  

Ruth Lynch of Christian County was honored with the 2024 Beverly Nickell Raimondo Leadership Award during the Groundswell Summit and Annual Meeting. The award recognizes individuals who have demonstrated exceptional leadership toward improving student achievement. Ruth has spent her career championing Kentucky students and recruiting more teachers of color to work within her local public school system. Thank you for all you have done for Kentucky students, Ruth!

Twenty-Nine Kentucky Schools and Early Care Centers Awarded Family Friendly Schools Certification
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Twenty-Nine Kentucky Schools and Early Care Centers Awarded Family Friendly Schools Certification

The Prichard Committee awards 29 Kentucky schools and early care centers with a Family Friendly Schools Certification

LEXINGTON, Ky -- The Prichard Committee for Academic Excellence has awarded 29 Kentucky schools and early care centers with a Family Friendly Schools Certification this spring.  "Schools that earn this certification have demonstrated their commitment to proactively engaging families in their student’s education," said Brigitte Blom, president and CEO of the Prichard Committee for Academic Excellence. “These schools have been innovative and energetic in their efforts to make families a valued part of their school’s team, which enriches the learning experience for students. We’re excited they’ve chosen to pursue this certification to demonstrate their dedication to their students and community.”  

The schools have worked to foster more effective partnerships with families and the broader community. As part of the certification process, a multidisciplinary team consisting of families, teachers, and administrators used a self-assessment tool to evaluate the school's family engagement performance. This team evaluated the school's practices, identified key areas for improvement, and integrated new practices designed to elevate its family-friendly rating.  

The Family Friendly Schools Certification is awarded by the Prichard Committee after applications are reviewed and scored by a working group of families, educators and community organizations. The group is focused on increasing open communication, learning opportunities and shared decision-making power across the Kentucky education system.  

“Schools and early care centers who apply for Family Friendly Schools Certification gain a deeper understanding about the importance of family-school partnerships, examine core beliefs about family-school partnerships and apply concrete strategies for increasing family engagement in their school,” said Blom.  

The Kentucky Department of Education includes the Family Friendly Schools Certification in its school report card as evidence of effective family engagement.  

“The Family Friendly Schools Certification highlights the exceptional work being done across Kentucky to build strong, collaborative relationships between schools and families,” said Clay Ford, Prichard Committee Board Chair.

For more details on the Family Friendly Schools Certification, visit prichardcommittee.org/familyengagement.  

2024 Spring Family Friendly Schools Certification Awardees

  1. Reidland Elementary School*
  1. North Washington Elementary Early Childhood Center*
  1. North Washington Elementary and Middle School*
  1. Washington County Elementary Early Childhood Center*
  1. Washington County Elementary School*
  1. Washington County High School*
  1. Washington County Middle School*
  1. Floyd County Early Childhood Center
  1. Breckinridge Elementary School  
  1. Campbell Ridge Elementary School  
  1. Clearfield Elementary School  
  1. Crossroads Elementary School  
  1. Donald E. Cline Elementary  
  1. East Bernstadt Independent  
  1. Eastside Child Development Center
  1. Grant’s Lick Elementary School
  1. Greysbranch Elementary School
  1. John W. Reiley Elementary School
  1. Lansdowne Elementary School
  1. Murray Elementary School
  1. NKCAC (Northern Kentucky Community Action Commission) Head Start—Alexandria Center
  1. NKCAC Head Start—Elsmere Center
  1. NKCAC Head Start—Falmouth Center
  1. NKCAC Head Start—Newport Center
  1. NKCAC Head Start—Boone County Center
  1. Picadome Elementary School
  1. Tygart Creek Elementary School
  1. Wurtland Middle School
  1. Yates Elementary School

* Denotes Gold Certification