The Prichard Committee

Building a path to a larger life for all Kentuckians through excellent education.

We promote improved education for all Kentuckians.

Since 1983, the Prichard Committee has worked to study priority issues, inform the public and policy makers about best practices and mobilize citizens, business leaders, families, students, and other stakeholders in a shared mission to move Kentucky to the top tier of all states for education excellence and for all children, from their earliest years through postsecondary education.

Thanks to the efforts of the Committee and dedicated citizens, Kentucky has moved from the bottom of the national rankings in education to the middle and above. Our ambitious goal is to move to the top tier of all states within this generation.

To accomplish this goal, the Committee focuses on three overarching priorities. Our work is grounded in intentional efforts for equity with excellence, to ensure that students in the groups that have had less opportunity to excel catch up with their peers.

A Strong Accountability System

We demand excellence through meaningful standards and robust accountability about quality and student progress from early childhood through postsecondary education. High expectations and transparency are critical components for Kentucky’s educational success.

Adequate and Equitable Funding

We advocate for efficient use of resources and equitable funding that is adequate to assure excellence in education from early childhood through postsecondary.

Sustained and Expanded Engagement

We work to engage Kentucky citizens on education issues. Informed and empowered students, parents, communities, and business leaders will demand continued progress for education across the Commonwealth.

Board of Directors

Board members can access resources available to download here.

Dr. Felicia Cumings Smith
Dr. Felicia Cumings Smith

National Center for Families Learning, Congressional District 1, Frankfort, KY

Dr. Julia Roberts
Dr. Julia Roberts
Vice Chair

Western Kentucky University Congressional District 2 Bowling Green, KY

 Leo Calderon
Leo Calderon

Retired Northern Kentucky University Congressional District 4 Bellevue, KY

Dr. Jay Box
Dr. Jay Box
Board Member

Higher Education Innovation, LLC Congressional District 6 Georgetown, KY

 Garren Colvin
Garren Colvin
Board Member

St. Elizabeth Healthcare Congressional District 4 Villa Hills, KY

 Al Cornish
Al Cornish
Board Member

Retired: Norton Healthcare Congressional District 3 Louisville, KY

 Franklin K. Jelsma
Franklin K. Jelsma
Board Member

Wyatt Tarrant & Combs LLP Cogressional District 3 Louisville, KY

Lonnie Lawson
Lonnie Lawson
Board Member

The Center for Rural Development Congressional District 5 Somerset, KY

Christian Motley
Christian Motley
Board Member

Results for America Congressional District 6 Lexington, KY

Sandy Nott
Sandy Nott
Board Member

Toyota Motor Manufacturing, KY Congressional District 6 Harrodsburg, KY

Wynn Radford
Wynn Radford
Board Member

Business Owner Congressional District 1 Hopkinsville, KY

Derrick Ramsey
Derrick Ramsey
Board Member

Kentucky Community and Technical College System Congressional District 3 Lexington, KY

Julie Tennyson
Julie Tennyson
Board Member

Marcum Tennyson PLLC Congressional District 1 Paducah, KY

Elaine A. Wilson
Elaine A. Wilson
Board Member

KCTCS: Somerset Community College Congressional District 5 Somerset, KY

 Gwen Young
Gwen Young
Board Member

Young and Wadlington PLLC Congressional District 6 Lexington, KY


The Prichard Committee team believes that education is the path to a larger life for all Kentuckians. We work to help citizens become informed and engaged advocates for excellence in our state’s educational endeavors. Insight forged from our diverse experiences, our collaboration and commitment to education’s role in creating successful people and communities propel everything we do.

Join our team

The Prichard Committee for Academic Excellence is hiring for the following positions:


Resume and cover letter expressing interest in the position should be sent to:

Melody Brooks
Finance & Human Resource Director

Members list

Prichard Committee Members

The members of the Prichard Committee for Academic Excellence are citizens of the Commonwealth of Kentucky who have demonstrated their interest in furthering excellence in education at all levels.

Strategic Plan

Prichard Committee: Strategic Plan 2021-2025

Diagram of strategic plan

The Prichard Committee

Since 1983, the Prichard Committee has worked to study priority issues, inform the public and policy makers about best practices and engage citizens, business leaders, families, students, and other stakeholders in a shared mission to move Kentucky to the top tier of all states for education excellence and equity for all children, from their earliest years through postsecondary education.

Annual Reports

What is the Prichard Committee doing? What are the results?