Katherine "Sze Man" Robershaw
Dr. Katherine 'Sze Man' Robershaw earned her Ph.D. in Educational Policies and Evaluation from the University of Kentucky in 2021. An expert in survey methodology and Rasch measurement, Sze Man applies these methodologies across a range of topics in both K-12 and higher education sectors. Her recent scholarly contributions include "Research Analytics Capabilities (RAC) Survey: Development, Validation, and Revision Using the Rasch Model" in the Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education (2024), "Identity Development in Transracially Adopted Asian/American College/University Students" in Adoption Quarterly (2023), "The Impact of Professional Development on Inservice Teachers’ Culturally Responsive Practices and Students’ Reading Achievement" in Literacy Research and Instruction (2022), "Parents’ Awareness and Perspectives of School Choice Scale: Psychometric Evidence Using Rasch Modelling" in the Journal of School Choice (2022), and "Best Practices for Research Analytics & Business Intelligence within the Research Domain" in Research Management Review (2021).
Before joining Prichard, Sze Man dedicated 12 years to secondary education as a teacher and administrator in Hong Kong. She has also served as an instructor at the University of Kentucky (2020–2021) and as a Visiting Assistant Professor at Berea College in 2022. Her current work with Prichard involves the Kentucky Community Schools Initiative (KCSI) and supporting other Prichard strategies by leveraging data management and analytics to inform and strengthen state and local policy required for statewide impact.