This morning, the Kentucky Department of Education released important Kentucky State Assessment (KSA) results and other indicators that matter for our public schools. As an added way to see some of the major patterns in that data, the Prichard Committee has created a 2023-24 Snapshot approach to statewide elementary school, middle school, and high school data and showing:
- The statewide percent of students who scored proficient or distinguished in reading, mathematics, science, social studies, and writing on the 2023 KSA
- Results for all students, for students who are and are not identified as English learners, for students with and without identified disabilities, for students with and without economic disadvantage, for students in seven groups by race and ethnicity, and for female and male students
- A single page display for elementary school results and for middle school results
- A two page display for high school results, with one page for KSA and another for ACT results, graduation rate, and postsecondary readiness rate
Unsurprisingly, the results shows that we have important work ahead to reach 100% proficiency and readiness, and they continue to show differences in how well we are serving students with different backgrounds and needs. For example, here’s a quick look at elementary school reading results, combining grades 3,4, and 5.

If we engage this data with candor and concern, it can strengthen our work to ensure that all Kentucky learners are welcome, respected, and empowered in our public schools.
As communities and as a commonwealth, we need public schools to equip every student in our rising generation to play a full role in Kentucky’s Big Bold Future.
Please do take a look at the new Snapshot data for each level.